We were with Masruq at the house of Yasar bin Numair. Masruq saw pictures on his terrace and said, "I heard 'Abdullah saying that he heard the Prophet saying, "The people who will receive the severest punishment from Allah will be the picture makers.' "
I asked or someone asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) aboutperpetual fasting. He replied: You have a duty to your family.Fast during Ramadan and the following month, and every Wednesdayand Thursday. You will then have observed a perpetual fast.
The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) told him secretly: Whenyou finish the sunset prayer, say: 'O Allah, protect me fromHell" seven times; for if you say that and die that night,protection from it would be recorded for you; and when you finishthe dawn prayer, say it in a similar way, for if you die thatday, protection from it would be recorded for you. AbuSa'id toldme that al-Harith said: The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him)said this to us secretly, so we confine it to our brethren.
I called on Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari and said to him, "Relate to me what you have heard from Allah's Apostle." He said, "I accompanied him on one of the journeys." (Abu Aqil said, "I do not know whether that journey was for the purpose of Jihad or Umra.") "When we were returning," Jabir continued, "the Prophet said, 'Whoever wants to return earlier to his family, should hurry up.' We set off and I was on a black red tainted camel having no defect, and the people were behind me. While I was in that state the camel stopped suddenly (because of exhaustion). On that the Prophet said to me, 'O Jabir, wait!' Then he hit it once with his lash and it started moving on a fast pace. He then said, 'Will you sell the camel?' I replied in the affirmative when we reached Medina, and the Prophet went to the Mosque along with his companions. I, too, went to him after tying the camel on the pavement at the Mosque gate. Then I said to him, 'This is your camel.' He came out and started examining the camel and saying, 'The camel is ours.' Then the Prophet sent some Awaq (i.e. an amount) of gold saying, 'Give it to Jabir.' Then he asked, 'Have you taken the full price (of the camel)?' I replied in the affirmative. He said, 'Both the price and the camel are for you.'"
A similar tradition (to No. 5061) has been transmitted by Muslimibn al-Harith ibn Muslim at-Tamimi on the authority of his fatherfrom the Prophet (peace be upon him) through a different chain ofnarrators, up to "protection from it". But this version says:"before speaking to anyone". In this version Ali ibn Sahl saidthat his father told him. Ali and Ibn al-Musaffa said: TheApostle of Allah (peace be upon him) sent us on an expedition.When we reached the place of attack, I galloped my horse andoutstripped my companions, and the people of that localityreceived me with a great noise. I said to them: Say "There is nogod but Allah," and you will be protected. They said this. Mycompanions blamed me, saying: You deprived us of the booty. Whenwe came to the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him), they toldhim what I had done. So he called me, appreciating what I haddone, and said: Allah has recorded for you so and so (a reward)for every man of them.AbdurRahman said: I forgot the reward. The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) then said: I shall writea will for you after me. He did this and stamped it, and gave itto me, saying....He then mentioned the rest of the tradition tothe same effect. Ibn al-Musaffa said: I heard al-Harith ibnMuslim ibn al-Harith at-Tamimi transmitting it from his father.
I asked 'Aisha about the option: She said, "The Prophet gave us the option. Do you think that option was considered as a divorce?" I said, "It matters little to me if I give my wife the option once or a hundred times after she has chosen me."
the same as above but said, "... in every joint undivided thing..." Narrated Hisham from Ma'mar the same as above but said, " ... in every property... "
Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him) said: By Allah, this world(is so insignificant in comparison) to the Hereafter that if oneof you should dip his finger - (and while saying this Yahyapointed with his forefinger) - in the ocean and then he shouldsee as to what has stuck to it.
I heard Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him) said: The Last Hourwould come (when) the Romans would form a majority amongstpeople. Amr said to him (Mustawrid al-Qurashi): See what you aresaying? He said: I say what I heard from Allah's Apostle (peacebe upon him) Thereupon he said: If you say that, it is a fact forthey have four qualities. They have the patience to undergo atrial and immediately restore themselves to sanity after troubleand attack again after flight. They (have the quality) of beinggood to the destitute and the orphans, to the weak and, fifthly,the good quality in them is that they put resistance against theoppression of kings.
'Uthman said that on the day of the battle of Uhud, none remained with the Prophet but Talha and Sad.
'Imran and I prayed behind 'Ali bin Abi Talib and he said Takbir on prostrating, on rising and on getting up after the two Rakat (i.e. after the second Rak'a). When the prayer was finished, 'Imran took me by the hand and said, "He ('Ali) has prayed the prayer of Muhammad" (or said, "He made us remember the prayer of Muhammad)."
'Imran bin Husain and I offered the prayer behind Ali bin Abi Talib. When 'Ali prostrated, he said the Takbir, when he raised his head, he said the Takbir and when he got up for the third Rak'a he said the Takbir. On completion of the prayer Imran took my hand and said, "This (i.e. 'Ali) made me remember the prayer of Muhammad" Or he said, "He led us in a prayer like that of Muhammad."
That the Prophet asked him (Imran) or asked a man and Imran was listening, "O Abu so-and-so! Have you fasted the last days of this month?" (The narrator thought that he said, "the month of Ramadan"). The man replied, "No, O Allah's Apostle!" The Prophet said to him, "When you finish your fasting (of Ramadan) fast two days (in Shawwal)." Through another series of narrators 'Imran said, "The Prophet said, '(Have you fasted) the last days of Sha'ban?"
I heard the Prophet (peace be upon him) say on the day of theConquest of Mecca: No Qurayshite will be killed bound hand andfoot from this day until the Day of Judgment.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Prayer is to be offered intwo rak'ahs; and you should recite the tashahhud at the end oftwo rak'ahs, and express your distress and humility and raiseyour hands and say praying: O Allah, O Allah. He who does not doso does not offer a perfect prayer.
I asked Ibn 'Umar "Do you offer the Duha prayer?" He replied in the negative. I further asked, "Did 'Umar use to pray it?" He (Ibn 'Umar) replied in the negative. I again asked, "Did Abu Bakr use to pray it?" He replied in the negative. I again asked, "Did the Prophet use to pray it?" Ibn 'Umar replied, "I don't think he did."