Umm Aban, daughter of al-Wazi' ibn Zari', quoting hisgrandfather, who was a member of the deputation of AbdulQays,said: When we came to Medina, we raced to be first to dismountand kiss the hand and foot of the Apostle of Allah (peace be uponhim). But al-Mundhir al-Ashajj waited until he came to the bundleof his clothes. He put on his two garments and then he went tothe Prophet (peace be upon him). He said to him: You have twocharacteristics which Allah likes: gentleness and deliberation. He asked: Have I acquired them or has Allah has created (them) mynature? He replied: No, Allah has created (them) in your nature. He then said: Praise be to Allah Who has created in my naturetwo characteristics which Allah and His Apostle like.
Khalid ibn as-Sa'ib al-Ansari on his father's authority reportedthe Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) as saying: Gabriel cameto me and commanded me to order my Companions to raise theirvoices in talbiyah.
When the Prophet (peace be upon him) made supplication and raised his hands, he wiped his face with them.
Bayhaqi in Kitab ad-Da'wah al-Kabir.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: If anyone leaves an animal at a place of perishing and another man brings it to life, itbelongs to him who brings it to life.
I accompanied the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him), but I didnot hear about the prohibition of (eating) insects and littlecreatures of land.
A man emancipated his share in a slave. The Prophet (peace beupon him) did not put the responsibility on him to emancipate therest.