AbuDawud said: I recited to Sa'id ibn Ya'qub at-Taliqani saying:Ibn al-Mubarak transmitted to you from Ya'qub ibn al-Qa'qa' onthe authority of Ata' that the Prophet (peace be upon him) prayedover his son Ibrahim when he was seventy days old.
The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) gave judgment thatblood-wit for those who possessed camels should be one hundredcamels, and for those who possessed cattle two hundred cows, andfor those who possessed sheep one thousand sheep, and for thosewho possessed suits of clothing two hundred suits, and for thosewho possessed wheat something which the narrator Muhammad (ibnIshaq) did not remember.
Ata' has been told that Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, "If anyone recites Ya-Sin at the beginning of the day, his wants will be supplied."
Transmitted by Darimi in mursal form.
A man of Banu Harith was pasturing a pregnant she-camel in one ofthe ravines of Uhud, (he saw that) it was about to die; he couldfind nothing to slaughter it; he took a stake and stabbed it inthe upper part of its breast until he made its blood flow. Hethen came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and informed himabout that, and he ordered him to eat it.
Ata' reported a similar tradition (to No 2777) from the Prophet(peace be upon him). This version adds: a man is appointed ongroups of people, and takes (wages) from the share of this, andfrom the share of this.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: If one of you is in doubtabout his prayer, and if he is sure that he has prayed threerak'ahs, he should stand and complete one rak'ah along with itsprostrations. Then he should sit and recite the tashahhud. Whenhe finishes the prayer, and there remains nothing exceptsalutation, he should make two prostrations while he is sittingand afterwards should give the salutation.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: When one of you is in doubtabout his prayer, and does not know how much he has prayed, threeor four rak'ahs, he should pray one (additional) rak'ah and maketwo prostrations while sitting before giving the salutation. Ifthe (additional) rak'ah which he prayed is the fifth one, he willmake it an even number by these two prostrations. If it is thefourth one, the two prostrations will be a disgrace for thedevil.
I was among the captives of Banu Qurayzah. They (the Companions)examined us, and those who had begun to grow hair (pubes) werekilled, and those who had not were not killed. I was among thosewho had not grown hair.
AbuWa'il al-Qass said: We entered upon Urwah ibn Muhammad ibnas-Sa'di. A man spoke to him and made him angry. So he stood andperformed ablution; he then returned and performed ablution, andsaid: My father told me on the authority of my grandfatherAtiyyah who reported the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) assaying: Anger comes from the devil, the devil was created offire, and fire is extinguished only with water; so when one ofyou becomes angry, he should perform ablution.
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, "No one will attain to being one of the pious till he abandons things which are harmless through being on his guard against what is harmful."
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: No one can achieve the height of piety till he forsakes those practices which are harmless merely to guard himself against those which are harmful.
Transmitted by Tirmidhi.
The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) commanded to estimatevines (for collecting zakat) as palm-trees are estimated. Thezakat is to be paid in raisins as the zakat on palm trees is paidin dried dates.
I went to the Prophet during the Ghazwa of Tabuk while he was sitting in a leather tent. He said, "Count six signs that indicate the approach of the Hour: my death, the conquest of Jerusalem, a plague that will afflict you (and kill you in great numbers) as the plague that afflicts sheep, the increase of wealth to such an extent that even if one is given one hundred Dinars, he will not be satisfied; then an affliction which no Arab house will escape, and then a truce between you and Bani Al-Asfar (i.e. the Byzantines) who will betray you and attack you under eighty flags. Under each flag will be twelve thousand soldiers.
I heard my father saying, "The Prophet led us, and prayed a two-Rak'at Zuhr prayer and then a two-Rak'at 'Asr prayer at Al-Batha' with an 'Anza (planted) in front of him (as a Sutra) while women and donkeys were passing in front of him (beyond that 'Anza)."
that he had heard his father saying, "Allah's Apostle came to us at midday and water was brought for his ablution. He performed ablution and led us in Zuhr and 'Asr prayers with an 'Anza planted in front of him (as a Sutra), while women and donkeys were passing beyond it."
My father said, "I saw Allah's Apostle at a place called Al-Abtah. Bilal came and informed him about the prayer and then came out with an Anza and planted it in front of Allah's Apostle at Al-Abtah and pronounced the Iqama."
My father said, "I saw Bilal turning his face from side to side while pronouncing the Adhan for the prayer."
My father bought a slave who practiced the profession of cupping. (My father broke the slave's instruments of cupping). I asked my father why he had done so. He replied, "The Prophet forbade the acceptance of the price of a dog or blood, and also forbade the profession of tattooing, getting tattooed and receiving or giving Riba, (usury), and cursed the picture-makers."
I saw my father buying a slave whose profession was cupping, and ordered that his instruments (of cupping) be broken. I asked him the reason for doing so. He replied, "Allah's Apostle prohibited taking money for blood, the price of a dog, and the earnings of a slave-girl by prostitution; he cursed her who tattoos and her who gets tattooed, the eater of Riba (usury), and the maker of pictures."
The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) entered upon us in themosque, and he had a stick in his hand. A man hung there a bunchof hashaf. He struck the bunch with the stick, and said: If theowner of this sadaqah (alms) wishes to give a better one than it,he would give. The owner of this sadaqah will eat hashaf on theDay of Judgment.
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) gave a decision between twomen, and the one against whom the decision was given turned awayand said: For me Allah sufficeth, and He is the best dispenser ofaffairs. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Allah, MostHigh, blames for falling short, but apply intelligence, and whenthe matter gets the better of you, say; For me Allah sufficeth,and He is the best disposer of affairs.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Allah will not gather twoswords upon this community: Its own sword and the sword of itsenemy.
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, "One came to me from my Lord and gave me a choice between half of my people entering Paradise and intercession, and I chose intercession. It will apply to those who have died and have associated nothing with Allah."
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said prayer on the dead body, andI remembered his prayer: 'O Allah! forgive him, have mercy uponhim, give him peace and absolve him. Receive him with honour andmake his grave spacious; wash him with water, snow and hail.Cleanse him from faults as Thou wouldst cleanse a white garmentfrom impurity.Requite him with an abode more excellent thanhis, with a family better than his family, and with a mate betterthan his mate. Admit him to the Garden, and protect him from thetorment of the grave and the torment of the Fire." (Awf ibnMalik) said: I earnestly desired that I were this dead body.
A man from the Himyar tribe killed an enemy and wanted to takethe booty. Khalid ibn Walid, who was the commander over them,forbade him. Awf ibn Malik (the narrator) came to the Messengerof Allah (peace be upon him) and informed him (to this effect). The latter asked Khalid: What prevented you from giving the bootyto him? Khalid said: I thought it was too much. He (the HolyProphet) said: Hand it over to him. Now when Khalid passed byAwf, the latter pulled him by his cloak and said (by way ofchaffing him): Hasn't the same thing happened as that which Ireported to you from the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)? When the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) heard it, he wasangry (and said): Khalid, don't give it to him, Khalid, don'tgive it to him. Are you going to desert the commanders appointedby me? Your similitude and theirs is like a person who tookcamels and sheep for grazing. He grazed them and when it was timefor them to have a drink, he brought them to a pool. So theydrank from it, drinking away its clear water and leaving theturbid water below. So the clear water (i.e. the best reward) isfor you and the turbid water (i.e. blame) is for them.
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: The best of yourrulers are those whom you love and who love you, who invoke God'sblessings upon you and you invoke His blessings upon them. Andthe worst of your rulers are those whom you hate and who hate youand whom you curse and who curse you. It was asked (by thosepresent): Shouldn't we overthrow them with the help of the sword?He said: No, as long as they establish prayer among you. If youthen find anything detestable in them, you should hate theiradministration, but do not withdraw yourselves from theirobedience.
We practised incantation in the pre-Islamic days and we said:Allah's Messenger, what is your opinion about it? He said: Let meknow your incantation and said: There is no harm in theincantation which does not smack of polytheism.
I stood up to pray along with the Apostle of Allah (peace be uponhim); he got up and recited Surat al-Baqarah (Surah 2). When hecame to a verse which spoke of mercy, he stopped and madesupplication, and when he came to verse which spoke ofpunishment, he stopped and sought refuge in Allah, then he bowedand paused as long as he stood (reciting Surah al-Baqarah), andsaid while bowing, "Glory be to the Possessor of greatness, theKingdom, grandeur and majesty." :Then he prostrated himself andpaused as long as he stood up and recited Surat Aal Imran (Surah3) and then recited many surahs one after another.
I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) say: Only aruler, or one put in charge, or one who is presumptuous, givesinstructions.
We, nine, eight or seven men, were in the company of theMessenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and he said: Why don't youpledge allegiance to the Messenger of Allah?-- whereas we hadrecently pledged allegiance. So we said: Messenger of Allah, wehave already pledged allegiance to you. He again said: Why don'tyou pledge allegiance to the Messenger of Allah? And we said:Messenger of Allah, we have already pledged allegiance to you. He again said: Why don't you pledge allegiance to the Messengerof Allah? We stretched out our hands and said: Messenger ofAllah, we have already pledged allegiance to you. Now tell us (inwhat things) should we pledge allegiance to you. He said: (Youmust pledge allegiance) that you will worship Allah only and willnot associate anything with Him, (and observe) five prayers, andobey---(and he said one thing in an undertone)---that you wouldnot beg for anything from other people. (As a consequence ofthat) I saw that some of these people did not ask anyone to pickup the whip for them if it fell down.
The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) gave judgement that thekiller should have what was taken from the man he killed, and didnot make this subject to division into fifths.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: I and a woman whose cheekshave become black shall on the Day of Resurrection be like thesetwo (pointing to the middle and forefinger), i.e. a woman ofrank and beauty who has been bereft of her husband and devotesherself to her fatherless children till they go their separateways or die.
Uthman ibn Abdullah ibn Aws ath-Thaqafi, on his grandfather's authority, reported Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) as saying, "A man's recitation of the Qur'an without using a copy of it produces a thousand degrees of reward, but his recitation while using a copy is double that, reaching two thousand degrees."
Bayhaqi transmitted it in Shu'ab al-Iman.
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) performed ablution andwiped over his shoes and feet.Abbad (a sub-narrator) said: TheMessenger of Allah (peace be upon him) came to the well of apeople. Musaddad did not mention the words Midat (a place whereablution is performed), and Kazamah (well). Then both agreed onthe wording:"He performed ablution and wiped over his shoes andfeet."
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Among the most excellent ofyour days is Friday; on it Adam was created, on it he died, on itthe last trumpet will be blown, and on it the shout will be made,so invoke more blessings on me that day, for your blessings willbe submitted to me. The people asked: Apostle of Allah, how canit be that our blessings will be submitted to you while your bodyis decayed? He replied: Allah, the Exalted, has prohibited theearth from consuming the bodies of Prophets.
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, "If anyone washes and bathes on Friday, goes out early walking, not riding, goes near to the imam and listens without interrupting, he will have the reward of a year's fasting and praying for every step he takes."
Tirmidhi, AbuDawud, Nasa'i and Ibn Majah transmitted it.
I heard the apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) say: If anyonemakes (his wife) wash and he washes himself on Friday, goes outearly (for Friday prayer), attends the sermon from the beginning,walking, not riding, takes his seat near the imam, listensattentively, and does not indulge in idle talk, he will get thereward of a year's fasting and praying at night for every step hetakes.
We came upon the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) in adeputation of Thaqif. The signatories of the pact came toal-Mughirah ibn Shu'bah as his guests. The Apostle of Allah(peace be upon him) made Banu-Malik stay in a tent of his. Musaddad's version says: He was in the deputation of Thaqif whichcame to the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him). He used tovisit and have a talk with us every day after the night prayer. The version of AbuSa'id says: He remained standing for such along time (talking to us) that he put his weight sometimes on oneleg and sometimes on the other due to his long stay. He mostlytold us how his people, the Quraysh, behaved with him.He wouldsay: We were not equal; we were weak and degraded at Mecca(according to Musaddad's version). When we came over to Medinathe fighting began between us; sometimes we overcome them and atother times they overcome us. One night he came late and did notcome at the time he used to come. We asked him: You came latetonight? He said: I could not recite the fixed part of theQur'an that I used to recite every day. I disliked to come till Ihad completed it. Aws said: I asked the companions of theApostle of Allah (peace be upon him): How do you divide theQur'an for daily recitation? They said: Three surahs, fivesurahs, eleven surahs, thirteen surahs' mufassal surahs.